HOLOS Amulets – Tools for Transformation

Here’s the HOLOS Evolutionary Story How the Vision of HOLOS Amulets evolved and became Tools for Transformation. Click the link below for a PDF of the booklet for downloading or reading online. HOLOS Amulets are transformational tools that inspire and enhance...


HOLOS and OM How does the HOLOS design relate to the primordial OM? I will first define OM as the total sound vibration that manifests as the creating universe. Why do I say creating? OM comes from the Vedic traditions and is often expressed by the A-U-M sound...

Care for Your HOLOS Amulet

Care For Your HOLOS Amulets Chemicals in Our Lives Can Effect Your Plated and Cast Precious Metal Jewelry In this post I’m going to explain the best way to care for your HOLOS Amulet. I will begin with 24K Gold Plated HOLOS, then cover Stainless Bronze, Antique...

Evolution of HOLOS

May 14th, 2016 Brian gave a talk in the Ojai Valley Museum and shared his evolution of sculptural designs which led up to the HOLOS design. You will hear him speak and see the sculptures as he describes the process and evolution of forms and ideas. Here’s the...

Visions of Peace

The Importance of Love, Peace, and Unity We are at a critical time in history where we are seeing daily acts of violence, terrorism, and sever climate change that brings up fears for our safety, and for our planet earth. I feel it is time for us to rise up together...

Fickle Finger of Fate

Here’s one of those testimonials that brings fate forward into the light of our one shared humanity. How we can use our fingers to type into a search engine something of interest and find our way to something more profound than what we first were searching for....